Dispute Resolution Policy
Our WorkBC Centre team inspires participants to improve their working lives through active engagement and participation within our Centre’s services. Our Team is also committed to providing a meaningful experience resulting in sustainable employment. If we have not provided you with the supports that you required, we want to learn more.
We are committed to:
- Providing a prompt response – within one business day
- Treating you with courtesy and respect
- Working together to resolve your concern quickly
- Providing you with weekly updates if the resolution process takes more than 5 business days
As a participant, you have the right to prompt confidential service. You also have the right to services that are both inclusive and accessible. If you are not happy with the services:
- Discuss your situation with the person directly involved
- Express your situation calmly and respectfully
- Work together to resolve the situation
Any complaints or decision reviews coming from Member of Parliament, Member of the Legislative Assembly, member of an elected city council, Government of Canada, other Provincial Ministries or the media will be forwarded to the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.
Resolving your Concern
Many disputes can be solved at the time they occur. Once you have spoken with the WorkBC team member and have not come to a successful resolution, speak to our Centre Manager who will listen, ask questions and consider the situation. They will work with you to explore options leading to a successful resolution.
If you are not satisfied with the resolutions discussed, the Team Lead will refer your concern to the Program Manager.
The Program Manager will speak with everyone involved to gain an understanding of the situation. You may request an in-person meeting to discuss your concerns, and are welcome to bring support. The Program Manager will respond to you in writing or arrange a meeting within 5 business days. If the resolution process takes longer than 10 business days, the Program Manager will provide you with weekly updates until the issue is resolved.
Further Steps
If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you may request a formal review by the Associate Director. The Associate Director will:
- Address your concern in a fair and transparent manner
- Maintain records and document the process
- Review your concern as part of our quality improvement process (ISO9001:2015)
- Notify the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction when a complaint has been escalated the executive level.
Process of Requesting a Formal Review
- Send a letter to the Associate Director
- We recommend that you be specific and provide the key information and facts
The request should be submitted within 20 business days of the date the resolution was provided by the Program Manager.
The Associate Director will review your request and investigate.
If the resolution process takes longer than 10 business days you will receive weekly updates until the issue is resolved.
The Associate Director will contact you and explain the final decision. Written notification will be provided to you. The decision at the end of a formal review is final.
Each step in the Review Process, including the nature of the complaint and outcome, will be documented in ICM.
Our Quality Management Plan includes Client Satisfaction Surveys available on line or in a paper form. All comments will be reviewed monthly and if requested the Program Manager will connect with the Client. Our Survey will ask Client feedback on the following:
- Satisfaction with the services
- Accessibility of services, specifically:
- Hours of operation
- Response time
- Staff Helpfulness
- Program access for those with disabilities
- Program access for those with French as a first or preferred language
- Program access for those with English as an Additional Language
- What worked well
- Suggestions for improvement.
Summary reports will be reviewed at monthly Management Meetings with a view to find identifiable service trends, program access strengths and weaknesses and opportunities to improve client accessibility and services. Survey satisfaction and Accessibility questions are ranked on a five (5) point scale and any service point scoring an average of less than 3.75 will be treated as an area for review and potential improvement.